1482 Freedom Blvd.


On Tuesday, Feb 23rd, the 1482 Freedom Blvd project by Eden Housing received final approval by City Council for Density Bonus and Design Review Permit.

This 100% affordable housing development will bring 53 one, two and three bedroom units to Watsonville/Santa Cruz County. It targets 25% to 50% Average Median Income, focusing on housing for families, farmworkers, homeless and disabled people with support from Project Based Section 8 vouchers.
MBEP officially endorsed this project. It received support from our Action Center and Social Media, as well as official letters of support to both City Council meetings. The first meeting was in November 2020 to approve $1 million in City funding to the project, and the second meeting was for the aforementioned permit at the Council meeting on Tuesday (there was a different Watsonville Mayor in November).

From this point the developers need to continue to secure soft debt funding from CA HCD (California Dept of Housing and Community Development) and then apply for tax credits. They expect to break ground in November/December of 2022.